3 Ways to Encounter God's Freedom, Presence, Power & Purpose
Encountering God changes everything in life! Come and receive your healing and freedom. Learn the keys to encounter God in your every day life. We will pray corporately and individually for everyone. ! MORE
Coming soon again ! Learn the 7 step TRM-7 Ministry method that helps you walk in God's freedom, presence, power and purpose! MORE
We will pray for you at our Encounter Night or we will come to your home if you are local, or on Zoom if you're not in Moncton, NB, Canada! MORE
Encounter Night!
Come and experience God's presence and power! Encountering God changes everything in life!
- Learn the keys to have an encounter with God every day.
- We will pray corporately and individually for everyone.
- Come with expectancy to encounter God and receive your breakthrough, deliverance and healing.
- Come if you need increased faith, emotional healing, peace, strength, encouragement…more of God.
- Come and hear testimonials about God’s love & power.
Join Brian & Debbie and our team for worship, prayer and presence.
This is your official “WAKE UP” call to God’s purpose for your life. The time is NOW to join the revival!!
Enter your name and email to be notified of date, time and location of UBL events.
Home Visits for Prayer!
We will pray for you at our Encounter Night or we will come to your home if you are local, or on Zoom if you're not in Moncton, NB, Canada!
I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” Matthew 18: 19-20
We believe prayer establishes the will and purposes of God on the earth, bringing the redemptive solutions of Heaven into our present.
Brian & Debbie and our team want to pray for you.