Identify & remove the #1 cause of anxiety and unblock your ability to receive everything God has for you in just 90 minutes, using our customized & On-Demand TRM-7 Ministry…without dragging it into the next 20 years!
It’s can reduce your anxiety & open the flow of God presence & power in your life in the next 90 minutes!
And all you need is our TRM-7 and your cooperation with the Holy Spirit. And in a moment, I’ll explain exactly how to use the TRM-7 and why it will completely get rid of the 69 most common types of blockages.
I used to listen to messages, study God’s word, and pray but I still didn't experience God’s presence, power and purpose.
My reality didn't line up with what I read in God's word.
To make matters worst, I had fear & anxiety.
Not I live in God's presence, hear His voice and walk in His purpose for me, and it's amazing.
What a privilege to bring God's light, love, and power everywhere we go, be God’s hands & feet in this dark world...
But I can tell you that 90% of believers have already accepted the idea that it takes a lifetime to reach freedom & their real purpose, so why the rush let’s just enjoy ourselves and wait for heaven...
... this is not doesn’t take as long as you think.
Not anymore!
The good news, starting in just 90 minutes, with what I’m about to show you. You’ll never have to worry about anxiety or receiving from God!
You think you can't fully surrender to the Lord...not true and I'll show you how.
During our experience of getting free and helping many others get free, we have learned that most believers have hidden bondage that has never been dealt with and it is affecting their heart condition by making it hard which contaminates their faith.
Believers fail to surrender 100% because of two things.
1-Bondage has opened the door to unbelief and doubts, pouring cold water on their faith!
2-The last 5% is the hardest to surrender because it is the believes life line to survive!
Key: Switch the order...Surrender the bondage first and then surrender the last 5%!
The currency of the Kingdom of Heaven is faith…so, since bondage contaminates your faith it blocks the kingdom of God in your life. This is a huge deal.
Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Bondage is kryptonite to your faith & ability to surrender!
Hidden Bondage usually develops into a 7 stage Cycle
that is very difficult to get free from.
Since this is a bondage “cycle” you can enter it in several places depending on which open door of bondage you walk through. But, however you get in, the force of the “cycle” keeps pulling you deeper and deeper into anxiety and fear and away from the power of God.
I know this can sound discouraging, even hopeless, but you know that nothing is too hard for God. Jesus said, “I will not leave you as orphans”...and we say, “we will not leave you hanging.” If you stay with us you will find the answers you need and the freedom you crave.

Most believers never experience God’s Presence, Power and Purpose in their lifetime but it’s always only a short distance away, waiting for them.
7 ways to get stuck in the
bondage cycle and not even know it!
UnGodly Choices
I’m sure it’s obvious that we’ve all made ungodly choices that lead to sin.
1 John 3:4 “Everyone who sins is breaking God’s law, for all sin is contrary to the law of God.” The consequences of these un-Godly choices take us out of harmony with God and into the next stage… “Hurtful Experience”
Hurtful Experiences
Maybe you’ve experienced Rejection, Abuse, Abandonment…maybe you were treated unjustly…the list of possible hurtful experiences is long and each hurt can have a life changing impact on each of us.
But, for whatever reason, most of us choose to partner with the hurtful experience to form an emotional hurt.
Emotional Hurts
When an experience produces an emotionally hurt, it creates a wound inside our soul. These wounds are not physically visible but unhealed emotional hurts can be seen in our emotions, our behaviours and our thoughts. But most of us continue on this Hidden Bondage Cycle and partner with the pain of emotional hurt to go deeper into stage #4…Hurtful Story and Thoughts.
Hurtful Story and Thoughts
Most of us tell lies to ourselves.That's why there are at least 8 Bible verses that deal with what we tell ourselves. We don’t do it intentionally…it’s just the easy way out. The same is true when we are in pain. On some subconscious level we tell ourselves things to rationalize and justify our emotions and the things that happen to us. Unfortunately, negative mindsets eventually leads to the Bondage Cycle …“UnGodly Beliefs”.
UnGodly Beliefs
UnGodly beliefs are beliefs or distortions of the truth that don't agree with God, His Word, His nature and His character. Most of our ungodly or false beliefs are formed by negative experiences, emotional hurts and negative thoughts. All things covert and underhanded come from the enemy. He distorts truth and feeds us lies that lead us to Bondage Cycle “Demonic Oppression”
Demonic Oppression
Satan hopes to convince you that he doesn't exist…that you’ll just carry on your merry way without not recognizing his roar, But Peter tells us in no uncertain terms that we need to aware of who he is…our great enemy…and what he’s trying to do…destroy us. But until the day we fully surrender our dead self to Jesus, Satan will continue to oppress us and drag us into stage 6 Bondage Cycle, “Negative Emotional Triggers”
Negative Emotional Triggers
This is where triggers come in, they can be in any form…people, places or things…and can flow from all 5 senses. Something reminds You of a hurtful Memory or a false belief from the past and you re-experience the emotional pain of it. We begin to play it safe so we never have to feel that painful experience and emotional hurt again.This is another way the enemy keeps us from living the Ultimate Believer's Life.
We created the TRM-7 Ministry to help you partner with God to identify & remove your bondage which breaks the cycle…quickly and easily.
Our 7 Step Trigger Revelation Ministry is designed to help believers cooperate with the Holy Spirit for revelation and healing.
It’s possible some of you have tried other ways to find peace and wellness in your life. But, it’s almost impossible to get free from The Hidden Bondage Cycle using the natural tools of this world.
2 Corinthians 10:4-5 TPT.
For although we live in the natural realm, we don’t wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead, our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide.
Bondage is a spiritual problem that needs spiritual application. WHY? Because we are spiritual beings. Most people think we are human beings with a spiritual component but TRUTH says we are spiritual beings with a body component. We are a spirit, we have a soul & we live in a body. It’s in our soul ( that is our mind, will & emotions) where we will be working most.
Since our body is the “housing unit” for our spirit and soul on the earth, when we read…Romans 8:11
The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.
…we know the reference to our “mortal bodies” means the healing is for NOW, here on earth…it’s not something we have to wait to receive in Heaven. You are not powerless… you have the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead in you, and when you learn to receive from Him you will find healing for your body and restoration for your heart and soul.
Cooperating with God means understanding that God is a God of order and He has laws and plans in place that you can access for healing and freedom. But the process is non-negotiable.
These 7 Steps are going to help you cooperate with the Holy Spirit to dismantle any Hidden Bondage and in our course we walk you through them step by step!

Here are a few details on each step of the TRM-7 ministry!
Step 5
Step 7
To start the ministry process we will humbly ask God for revelation.
Then you will be invited to take the 96 question Assessment that will look for possible areas in your life that indicate any hidden bondage.
Once the Assessment is complete you will immediately receive an email with subject line “Assessment Results Report for…” and your #1 bondage area will be identified.
The body of the email will give you a complete breakdown of your assessment responses and how this bondage area was identified. If you have more than one area of bondage you will receive subsequent emails for each area identified.
About The Course Teachers,
Brian & Debbie Currie.
My Wife Debbie & I have 4 grown children & 4 inlaw children…all amazing followers of Jesus (Two of them in full-time ministry)…& we have our 14th grandchild on the way.
We have been married for 43 years
The last 5-7 years have been on a journey to more of God for us…more freedom, more intimacy with Jesus, more fellowship and power in the Holy Spirit, and more effectiveness for His Kingdom.

With a deeper understanding of surrender we now live in amazing harmony with Father God. We are lovers of Jesus and we fully trust that He is enough and He is everything. For years we led a discipleship program at our local church that focused on getting believers free. Now we want to make it available to everyone.
The TRM-7 works because it comes from The Word of God & is accomplished by the Holy Spirit!
Our Ministry course "Free To Live In His Presence"
Here you want to write a short paragraph that quickly explains exactly what your online course is and how it’s the perfect solution to the problems you’ve been talking about in the previous section. Keep it short, but provide the essential information they need to be able to make sense of what’s coming. For example, make sure they know that it is an online course designed to teach them how to achieve their goal
God's Freedom
- Cleansed & healed
- Faith to Surrender
- Living in the Spirit
- Emotional peace & joy
God's Presence
- Intimacy with God
- Identity as child of God
- Hear from God
- Experience God’s love
- Renewed mind
God's Power
- Walk in your authority
- Operate in your gifts
- Overcome demonic oppression
- Bring heaven to earth
God's Purpose
- Walk in your purpose
- Union with Jesus
- Live supernaturally
9 Modules!
Below you will see how we recommend 8 weeks for the 9 Modules, we will teach you the freedom lifestyle.
Week 1- Module 1: Bondage Assessment
Welcome video from Brian & Debbie - 3 minutes
We walk you through a Submission prayer.- 3 minutes
Take the Bondage Assessment - 15-20 minutes
Week 1- Module 2: Un-Forgiveness
Teaching - 15-20 minutes
Ministry time - 15-30 minutes
Round table - 20-30 Minutes
Week 2-Module 2: Insufficiencies in the Father’s Love
Teaching - 15-20 minutes
Ministry time - 15-30 minutes
Round table - 20-30 Minutes
Week 3-Module 2: Orphan spirit
Teaching - 15-20 minutes
Ministry time - 30-60 minutes
Round table - 20-30 Minutes
Week 4-Module 2: Shame
Teaching - 15-20 minutes
Ministry time - 30-60 minutes
Round table - 20-30 Minutes
Week 5-Module 2: Fear
Teaching - 15-20 minutes
Ministry time - 30-60 minutes
Round table - 20-30 Minutes
Week 6-Module 2: Rejection
Teaching - 15-20 minutes
Ministry time - 30-60 minutes
Round table - 20-30 Minutes
Week 7-Module 2: Idolatry
Teaching - 15-20 minutes
Ministry time - 30-60 minutes
Round table - 20-30 Minutes
Week 8-Module 9: Soul-Ties
Teaching - 15-20 minutes
Ministry time - 30-60 minutes
Round table - 20-30 Minutes
Feature and Benefits
Know your #1 bondage area in less then 30 minutes.
Receive your Customized Results Report email in less then 30 minutes. This will give you detailed breakdown on how much bondage showed up from the assessment and where to start on your freedom journey.
This one feature alone will save you months, even years of time. It’s hard to see our own bondage so this assessment will bring you a different perspective and valuable insights.
Tired of just going through the motions everyday? By learning how to rid yourself of the Hidden Bondage, you’ll be a force of blessings & strength to everybody you connect with.
Freedom will bring increase in each of these areas!
On-Demand Ministry 24/7
Available 24/7 so you never have to worry about missing out on the benefits of this powerful ministry.
Let us lead you through this ministry from home when it's convenient for you, just you and the Lord.
You may want to invite a trusted friend to go through it together with you.

Just imagine feeling free & powerful, knowing that you're walking into God’s plan for your life, and it’s amazing. Watch how God begins working miracles through your life as you realize you are a Significant person with the favour of God & man.
Freedom will bring increase in each of these areas!
8 valuable teachings on the 69 most common types of bondage
These teachings were written in a way to open up your heart for the Holy Spirit to give you new revelation. Revelation is how God transforms us, so every revelation we receive is a miracle and a step closer to our new life.
You're just one revelation away from a miracle!
Experience the enemy fleeing at your command as your identity & authority become Anchored in the Lord!
Freedom will bring increase in each of these areas!
Steps 3-6 of the TRM-7 ministry, breaks the foundation, floor,walls & roof of the bondage cycle.
Once you learn these steps, you will live a freedom lifestyle. You will see God’s delivering & healing power in action.
Breaking the hidden bondage cycle will give you a new life.
You will have lots of opportunity to teach this to your friends & family
Stop asking God to improve your life and start cooperating with the Holy Spirit to expose & heal your heart from hidden bondage & emotional hurts and find your new life of presence, power & purpose.
Freedom will bring increase in each of these areas!
8 ROUND TABLES DISCUSSIONs AND TESTiMONIALS WITH SPECIAL GUESTS...all about getting free from 69 most common types of bondage
You are going to love this because it's raw & personal lessons on how we got free from bondage!
This course was designed to trigger revelation, allowing God to transform us...You're just one revelation away from a miracle!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 60-Days
It has been proven time and time again that offering a satisfaction guarantee or refund policy increases sales. And not just by a little bit. It makes a noticeable difference to conversions.
This section is important. Right after you’ve introduced the price of your online course, you need to do everything you can to alleviate purchase anxiety. As soon as a visitor sees the price, they will start to think of all the reasons why they shouldn’t buy. That’s why it’s important to have your refund policy immediately after the first time your price is mentioned.
Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say about this course

Carolyn from Moncton
Graduate of the course
I received healing of both past and present hurts.
I am full of thankfulness to God for the many benefits of this course. Each module brought me closer to Jesus.
I received tremendous healing of both past and present hurts. Now I understand how these hurts kept me from receiving the fullness of God. If you want Jesus to be your true Source, then I recommend this course to you.

Linda Parker
Police Officer
Pull out a few key words for a testimonial title
These 3 testimonials should focus on why past customers found that your course was absolutely the right decision. Remember, your visitors are looking for reasons not to buy after they see the price, so include some testimonials here that alleviate that anxiety.

Glenda Sanders
Financial Advisor
Pull out a few key words for a testimonial title
These 3 testimonials should focus on why past customers found that your course was absolutely the right decision. Remember, your visitors are looking for reasons not to buy after they see the price, so include some testimonials here that alleviate that anxiety.
Frequently Asked Questions
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.