Learn the 7 steps to remove the root cause of your #1 anxiety... and unblock your ability to receive God’s presence, power and purpose... and save 20  years.

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Join us as we unpack what has allowed us to live in God's presence, power and purpose. We will teach you how each of these 7 steps play an important role in the removal of your hidden baggage. This will allow you to surrender and live the Ultimate Believer's Life. We look forward to meeting you on the Web Class!  Brian & Debbie

What you’ll discover on this online Master Class:

  • How step 1 & 2 helps you hear revelation from God that will find the root cause of your pain!
  • How your mind gets renewed when steps 3-6 removes your baggage and lifts the weight of the world from your shoulders, your faith & confidence will immediately rise!
  • How step 7 shifts you into the Spirit so you can begin experiencing the presence of God!
  • How to take this course and get freedom as a busy person!
  • What to do if you don't feel qualified or confident to gain your freedom!
  • How to position yourself for life changing revelation!
  • Learn the 4 repeatable steps that you can use anytime to stay free!
  • How we use every available tool to help you get free!
  • How to get back in God’s order so you don’t block the flow of His promises.

Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say

Carolyn from Moncton NB

Graduate of course

 I would recommend this course to anyone hoping to rely on God and Jesus as the source of all!

I am full of thankfulness to God for the many benefits of this course. Each module brought me closer to Jesus. I received tremendous healing of both past and present hurts. Truthfully, I was surprised that I was still carrying so much hurt. Now I understand how these hurts kept me from receiving the fullness of God. The course content, including the personalized prayers and relevant scriptures, was very applicable to my life.  If you want Jesus to be your true Source, then I recommend this course to you.  

Jody from Saint John

Graduate of course

I now feel fully equipped and protected in God's armor against fear and the spirits associated with it.

I am so thankful to God for His work in me through the " Ultimate Believer's Life". Before taking the assessment, I didn’t realize that I had given FEAR so much power in my life. This ministry is personal (between me and God). The Monday night zoom calls have been a great source of encouragement and support. I now feel fully equipped and protected in God's armor against fear and the spirits associated with it.

Anne from Moncton

Graduate of course

I can excitedly say that the anxieties and burdens I had been holding onto have been surrendered to Jesus. I am now able to walk in freedom with a renewed mind and purpose

Until I had the privilege to experience "The Ultimate Believer's Life" masterclass, I truly didn't realize how many blockages I had in my life. I can excitedly say that the anxieties and burdens I had been holding onto have been surrendered to Jesus. I am now able to walk in freedom with a renewed mind and purpose. Many thanks to Debbie and Brian Currie for following God's call in helping others grow deeper in their faith. No matter where you might be in your walk with the Lord, I would strongly recommend this course to anyone.

Most believers don't live their best life because they never learn how to break out of the Hidden Bondage Cycle!...don't make that mistake

  • The 7 Stages of the Hidden Bondage Cycle that are causing you emotional pain and blocking you from receiving from God!
  • How you can be in the the Hidden Bondage Cycle and not know it!
  • The 3 most common ways to fall into the Hidden Bondage Cycle!
  • How easy it is to move through the 7 stages of the Hidden Bondage Cycle!
  • How the Hidden Bondage Cycle is negatively affecting your life and health!

Sign up for our FREE Master Class!

Reserve your seat now and join us live for the webinar that will change the way you think about your future.

A reminder who this course designed for:

If any of these sound like you, do yourself a favour and don't miss this Master Class!

You want to be free from triggered emotional pain and enjoy God's peace

If you have buried emotional hurts/bondage that cause anxiety and self doubt.

You want to remove all blockages so you can receive all God has for you

If you feel something blocking you from receiving God's presence, power and purpose.

You want to surrender every part of your life to God's control

If you want to fully surrender and live in God's presence, but you just can’t seem to get there.

You want to know God's dreams and purpose for you and walk in them.

If you know or even sense you are called to do something big for God, but you feel stuck and powerless to move forward

You want more of God's anointing for your life and ministry

If you are in ministry in any capacity, and you want an increase of God's presence, and power!

You want to live a supernatural life in the spirit

You want a better to marriage, to feal loved, feeling rested, feeling powerful, feeling significant, feeling like you have the favour of God.

I’ve known Brian and Debbie for over 25 years and was their senior pastor for almost 20. From the first day they walked through our church doors Debbie has been serving the body in youth ministry, leading Bible Studies and other special events I asked of her. I witnessed Brian’s transformation in his journey to breakthrough. The last several years they have been a powerful team of bringing increase to the Kingdom of God and the people around them. I love the passion with which they desire all believers to be free and have an intimate relationship with Jesus.

L.D. Buckingham

Founder and president of Buckingham Leadership Network

Brian and Debbie are passionate about others finding the freedom found in the power of Christ.  Their spiritual maturity, their heart for the hurting, their deep well of experience, their faithful stewardship, and their spiritual gifting radiate the love of Christ. Their prayers penetrate the heavenly places and all who come in contact with Brain and Debbie are inspired to press deeper into the abundance of who God created us to be.  

Joel Gorveatte

Former Senior Pastor Moncton Wesleyan Church

Sign up for our Free Master Class!

Reserve your seat now and join us live for the webinar that will change the way you think about your future.

Got questions? I've got answers!

What happens if I can't make it live?

We've got you covered and will send a limited time replay after the live Master Class ends!

I'm not sure if this is for me, can you explain who this Master Class is for?

Absolutely...this is for you if you are seeking to be everything God wants you to be and to have everything Jesus died to give you.

Will there be a chance to ask questions?

Definitely, you will find a question box to the right of the screen and you can ask all the questions you want. We will email you a response to your question within 24 hours.

Is this really free?

100%! If you stick around to the end, I'll share details about joining our spiritual growth academy and taking our first course "Free to Live in His Presence" which has a cost. But we will cover a wealth of information during the free Master Class.

Our Story

Hi, my name is Brian Currie. My wife, Debbie, and I understand your struggle all too well. Many times we felt alone and invisible, with no hope of moving forward into God’s plan for our lives. I remember literally crying out to God for help, but feeling like He never showed up.

Then I found out that God really did see me and He sent someone to help me. God gave me revelation and taught me how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit. Working with Holy Spirit I found healing and my faith grew to trust Him in all things. Debbie journeyed through all this with me and today we have an intimate & loving relationship with God and each other. We live in His presence, and we have power and purpose for our life. Since then, we have had the opportunity to help many other believers find freedom, presence, power and purpose to live the Ultimate Believer's Life. 

We would love to help you do the same!

Sign up for our Free Master Class!

Reserve your seat now and join us live for the webinar that will change the way you think about your future.
