Learn the 7 steps to remove the #1 cause of your anxiety...and unblock your ability to receive God’s promises...without dragging it into the next 20  years.

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What you’ll discover on this webinar:


There is a Hidden Bondage Cycle that is causing you emotional pain and is blocking you from receiving from God, making it almost impossible to live a surrendered and abundant life of Freedom, Presence, Power & Purpose.


There is also a TRM-7 ministry that reveals, removes and breaks the Hidden Bondage Cycle unlocking your ability to live a surrendered life in the Spirit and empowering you to receive all the blessings God has set aside for you.    

  • Learn how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit so He can take you to your promise land!
  • Learn how to get back in God’s order so you don’t block the flow of His promises!
  • Learn the #1 reason believers have a difficult time surrendering…(Hint) it’s not what you think!
  •  Learn the # 1 thing that real transformation can't happen without, but most believers are ignoring it!
  • The problem for most believers isn’t a lack of faith, it’s something simpler to fix!
  • Learn the 4 small hinges that swing the biggest doors of transformation!
  • Learn what determines which of 3 types of Christians you are and how to be in the one type that pleases God!

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These 5 people will get the most out of this class!

  • You want to live in God's peace & joy but you have anxiety & pain.
  • You want to surrender your life to God & live your life in the spirit, but you're not sure you can.
  • You sense you're suppose to do something big in your life but sin or anxiety has you feeling powerless.
  • You sense something is blocking you from receiving everything God has for you.
  • Someone spoke a prophetic word over you but nothing is happening.

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Your Webinar Host:

Brian & Debbie Currie

Brian & Debbie have been married for 43 years

The last 5-7 years they have been on a journey to more of God…more freedom, more intimacy with Jesus, more fellowship and power in the Holy Spirit, and more effectiveness for His Kingdom. With a deeper understanding of surrender they now live in amazing harmony with Father God. They are lovers of Jesus and they fully trust that He is enough and He is everything.

Brian and Debbie both come from Christian families…...for years they led a discipleship program at their local church that focused on getting believers free. For the past 3 years they've also lead the prayer team at their church

But more importantly they've spent hours…even years…in prayer and study…seeking the Kingdom of God. They have found freedom…although, in full disclosure, they say God continues to reveal old hurts and places of bondage. The difference is they now know how to take care of it immediately. They also live in His Presence…they are filled with His Power…and He unveiled His purpose for them as individuals and as a couple and as a family.  

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